Colt 1861 Navy Conversion
circa mid 1870’s
This is a standard model Colt 1861 Navy Conversion, made from previously unfinished and unassembled parts. These Navy conversions are rather uncommon as only about 2,200 were made in the mid 1870’s. They were a lesser cost alternative to the Colt Single Action Army, at about half the price.

This one is a fine example in blue finish, case colored frame, ivory grips, and .38 center fire caliber. It looks to be 100% original to the period, the ivory grips added early on in its period of use.The serial number is 2,283, showing on all its parts, in all the correct locations – the wedge being unmarked.
Colt – Condition
The blue finish has turned to a deep brown patina and the case colors muted as well. The trigger guard and back strap show nearly all of its original nickel finish. The ivory grips show the appropriate color, wear, and cracklature for their age. Also, they show shrinkage at the back strap and were most likely not a perfect fit when added to the revolver. They are currently stuck on the back strap showing no attempt to remove them in current times. They really look good! The cylinder scene is completely intact, with the matching serial number on the cylinder. The action works perfectly and the bore is good, showing strong rifling with typical black powder erosion. In addition, all the markings are legible and correct, “38 cal” marked on the trigger guard.

A great looking Colt in fine condition, that has not been messed with.
Clarks Antiques Firearms – Colt 1861 Navy Conversion – Price $4,750.00
Item #1799
This Colt pairs well with our Slim Jim Holster